- About
- Meet The Team
- Why Have I Been Referred For a Heart Scan?
- What is a Fetal Heart Scan?
- The Normal Fetal Circulation
- My Baby has a Heart Problem: What does that mean for us?
- Chromosomal Abnormalities
- Fetal Cardiology Nurse Specialist
- Having your baby in Leeds or in your local hospital?
- Advice and Support
- Video Diaries
- Your Views
- Monitoring of Results
- Second Opinion

Dr Shuba Barwick
Consultant Fetal and Paediatric Cardiologist
Area of expertise
Fetal & Paediatric Cardiology
Trained in Paediatric Cardiology in Royal Manchester & Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospitals
Undertook a year sub-speciality training in Fetal Cardiology at Evelina Children’s Hospital in London
Appointed as Consultant at Leeds in 2007
Specialist interests within your profession
Fetal & Paediatric Cardiology
Teaching & Training of staff
See Publications
- BCCA Fetal Cardiology Standards published in 2010 & revised in 2011