- About
- Meet The Team
- Why Have I Been Referred For a Heart Scan?
- What is a Fetal Heart Scan?
- The Normal Fetal Circulation
- My Baby has a Heart Problem: What does that mean for us?
- Chromosomal Abnormalities
- Fetal Cardiology Nurse Specialist
- Having your baby in Leeds or in your local hospital?
- Advice and Support
- Video Diaries
- Your Views
- Monitoring of Results
- Second Opinion

Jan Forster
Consultant cardiac sonographer
Area of expertise
Specialist ultrasound examinations of the heart in the foetus, child and adults with congenital heart disease.
The team is made up of cardiac physiologists who have specialised in cardiac ultrasound in patients with congenital heart disease. Jan is the team leader of this group.
Specialist interests within your profession
We provide support for training & education throughout Yorkshire & the Humber network with the aim to improve antenatal detection rates of congenital heart disease.