
Coming for an echocardiogram

  • Your child’s Cardiology Consultant has decided that your child should have an echocardiogram

    What is it?

    An echocardiogram or ‘echo’ is a scan that uses ultrasound (sound waves) to produce pictures of the heart. It is painless and has no side effects.

  • Why is it being done?

    An echocardiogram gives your consultant information about the structure and function of your heart.

    What does it involve?

    The echocardiogram is usually done by a sonographer or sometimes your child’s consultant. If done by the consultant any questions you have will be answered at the same time. If the scan is done by the sonographer your child will see the consultant afterwards to discuss results and answer any questions.

    • Sometimes stickers will be attached to your child’s chest and connected to the echo machine to monitor your child’s heart rate.
    • An ultrasound probe covered in a small amount of gel will be placed on the chest and moved around to get different images.
    • There may be sounds coming from the machine that represent the blood flow through the heart.

    Are there any special precautions that my child needs to take before the echocardiogram?

    No. They can eat and drink as normal and take their normal medication.

    At the end of your echocardiogram

    Once the echocardiogram is complete your child can get dressed and leave. There are no limitations to what you can do after the scan.