
Advice & Support Groups

  • Advice

    Download our Children’s Specialist Nurse leaflet

    Our specialist nurses can help with more information about your child’s heart condition – we can provide written details and diagrams or can arrange to meet with you personally to discuss this.

    If you have local health professionals, such as Health Visitors, School Nurses, Community Nurses or family doctors, involved in the care of your child, we would be happy to provide them with information about your child’s heart condition and related issues.
    Contact the Children’s Cardiac Nurse Specialist team
    if you need information, advice or support on 0113 392 5467.

    Support groups

    These groups provide information and support for parents/patients. A list of these support groups are situated at the back of the folder.

    They can provide all kinds of useful information and advice for those caring for a sick child.

  • Leeds Congenital Heart Unit Facebook Page

    All the latest news from the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit Facebook Page

  • Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

    Tel: 0113 3925742

  • Arrhythmia Alliance

    Tel: 01789 450787

  • British Heart Foundation

    Tel: 0300 330 3311

  • Cardiac Risk in the Young

    Tel: 01737 363 222

  • Cardiomyopathy Association

    Tel: 0800 018 1024

  • Children’s Heart Federation

    Tel: 0808 808 5000

  • Down’s Heart Group

    Tel: 0300 102 1644

  • Little Hearts Matter

    Tel: 0121 455 8982

  • Max Appeal!

    Tel: 0300 999 2211

  • Marfan Trust

    Tel: 020 8725 1189

  • Turn 2 Us

    Turn to us is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services.
    Turn 2 Us