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Your Appointment in Outpatients
Adult Congenital Cardiology Outpatient Clinics
There are many different outpatient clinics which you may have to attend within the Adult Congenital Service. All clinics are held in the Cardiology Outpatient Department on E Floor in Jubilee Wing at the Leeds General Infirmary.
General Congenital Cardiology Clinics
These clinics are held throughout the week, patients are under the care of 1 of the 5 Consultants; Dr Kate English, Dr Gopaul, Dr Helen Parry, Dr Vitor Ramos, and Dr James Oliver.
You will be seen either by one of the consultants, senior doctor specialising in congenital heart disease or a senior cardiac nurse specialist. If you would like to see a specific Consultant prior to your appointment then please ring in advance.The Clinical Nurse Specialist team will be present for your consultation, and can provide you with further support and advice once you have seen the doctor. You will almost always be asked to have an ECG performed, and then one of the clinic nurses will check your blood pressure and pulse, and also measure your height and weight.
You may need an echo (heart jelly scan). These will usually be performed at the same visit, and can take up to forty five minutes to perform.Other more complicated tests will usually be performed at another visit. We will advise you of a management plan and when you will need to be seen again before you leave the clinic.
Intervention Clinics
If you require keyhole treatment, you will be referred to the intervention clinic, where the Consultant cardiologist will explain the risks and benefits of having the procedure. If you decide to go ahead, then you will be placed on the waiting list for treatment. At this appointment you may require an ECG, Echo and a blood test. You will also see the Nurse Specialist, who can explain about facilities and the care you will receive in hospital.
Surgical Clinics
If you require surgery, you will be referred to a surgeon and seen in clinic. You will be seen by either Mr Jaber, Miss Van Doorn, Mr Pelella or Mr Kassai, Consultant Cardiac Surgeons. This is the time when your operation will be discussed and the opportunity for you to ask questions. The consultant will then place you on the waiting list for surgery as appropriate.
Pre-surgical Admission Clinic
These clinics are held every Wednesday morning. You will be seen by the Nurse Specialist usually 1-2 weeks before your planned operation date. You will have an ECG (heart tracing), Chest Xray, and some bloods taken in preparation for surgery. The discussion will be around admission, preparation for surgery and follow up care.
Joint ACHD and Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic
This clinic is held every other Friday and you will be seen by Dr Oliver, Consultant in Adult Congenital Cardiology and a Nurse Specialist. You will have an ECG and sometimes an Echo if required. In this clinic an assessment of your exercise tolerance (6 minute walk) will be carried out and a discussion with the Consultant and Nurse regarding any new symptoms and changes to medication.
Joint ACHD and Pacing Clinic
Patients with a pacemaker or defibrillator are seen by the Consultant Cardiologist and the Electrophysiologist (Doctor who specialises in heart rhythm) in the same clinic. You will also have your device checked at this appointment. This reduces the amount of clinic appointments you will need therefore reducing the amount of travelling to hospital. You may be given a device in clinic that allows you to send your data remotely, to reduce the number of times you attend the clinic
Joint Obstetric Clinic
This clinic functions as a one-stop clinic for patients who are planning a pregnancy or are pregnant can have consultations with all specialists, therefore reducing travelling long distances. The clinic includes a consultation with a Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Obstetrician and Consultant Anaesthetist. This allows the team to plan care and decide where your baby will be delivered. An ECG, echo and fetal ultrasound will be carried out at this appointment when necessary.