Summer Heat Wave - July 2015
We all need to keep safe in the sun, especially with it being exceptionally hot this week.
July 2nd, 2015

Leeds Unit Hosts Yorkshire and Humber Congenital Cardiac Network Forum
The twice yearly Network Forum met at Leeds Thackray Museum.
June 25th, 2015
New INR Machines
Children’s Heart Surgery Fund received a £5,000 grant from Global Radio’s Make Some Noise Charity to purchase the INR Machines
June 19th, 2015
New LGI waiting area and Playroom opened
“Last week our Chief Executive, Julian Hartley, went along to the Jubilee Wing at LGI to officially open the much improved waiting room and playroom in cardiac...
June 19th, 2015
Pulmonary hypertension/ACHD workshop a great success
The Pulmonary hypertension/ACHD service held a patient workshop in May at the Hilton City Hotel, generously part-funded by the Take Heart charity.
June 11th, 2015