Are You A Teenager Heading Towards Our Adult Services?
Come and find out more about the Adult Congenital Heart Unit
on Thursday 21st July at 4pm in
the Outpatient Department Playroom, E Floor,
Jubilee Wing, Leeds General...
June 9th, 2016

Transition Evening
Come and find out more about the Adult Congenital Heart Unit
on Thursday 10th December 2015 at 4pm in
the Outpatient Department Playroom, E Floor,
Jubilee Wing,...
November 10th, 2015

Dr George Ballard Remembered at Awards Ceremony
On Friday Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust held the first Time to Shine awards at the Queen’s Hotel. Julian Hartley, Chief Executive, was joined for this special...
October 26th, 2015

Flu Vaccine Advice
After 6 months of age, children and adults with a complex heart disease should be offered a Flu vaccination once a year. There are now different ways to be protected...
October 13th, 2015

Tragic death of Dr George Ballard - Adult Congenital Cardiologist
It is with great sadness that we announce the tragic and untimely death of our much loved colleague Dr George Ballard in a cycling accident at the weekend. He will...
August 4th, 2015