Paediatric Intensive Care Training
New nurse starters to Ward 47, our Children’s Intensive Care Unit, underwent training during October.
November 10th, 2016

Transition Evening
for young people with congenital heart disease and their families
October 11th, 2016

Easy Read Guide for Coming to Outpatients
An easy read guide has been for adults attending our outpatient department.
August 8th, 2016

Are You A Teenager Heading Towards Our Adult Services?
Come and find out more about the Adult Congenital Heart Unit
on Thursday 21st July at 4pm in
the Outpatient Department Playroom, E Floor,
Jubilee Wing, Leeds General...
June 9th, 2016

Leeds Children's Hospital TV Launched
Last week saw the launch of Leeds Children’s Hospital TV, a tremendous step forward for our young patients which uses video to engage and inform them about our...
May 23rd, 2016