Staff From Leeds PICU Present at International Conference
Emor Miller, Mark Winton and Ramesh Kumar represented Leeds Children’s Hospital with their poster presentations at the 9th Congress of WFPICCS in June.
July 23rd, 2018
Transition Evening
You will be able to:
Find out about your move to adult services
Meet members of the Adult Congenital Heart team
Discuss issues affecting you and your heart and ask...
March 13th, 2018
New PICU Specialist Studies
It is an exciting time for research within PICU at Leeds Children’s Hospital with two new specialist studies recently opened.
March 12th, 2018
Congenital Heart Disease Patient Experience Survey
We greatly value feedback from our users as it helps to drive improvements in the services we provide. We would like to hear your thoughts about the quality of the...
February 28th, 2018
The Time Out Project
Providing peer support for staff following significant and traumatic events
February 19th, 2018