June 1st, 2020
Coronavirus Advice - Adult Patient Advice (ACHD)
We continue to follow the Government’s advice and guidance.
The Government has updated its advice for vulnerable / shielding individuals. Their advice is that these group of individuals can now go out for a walk, if they want to, but maintain strict social distancing. This can be with members of their own household. If they live alone, they can spend time outdoors with one person from another household. Ideally, this should be the same person each time. If they do go out, they should take extra care to minimise contact with others by keeping 2 metres apart. The guidance will be kept under regular review. For more information CLICK HERE
The group we continue to advise to “shield” are if you have one of the heart conditions below and are likely to be at increased risk of becoming seriously unwell from the virus.
1.Fontan or single ventricle circulation
2.Have cyanosis (low blood oxygen levels)
3.Had a Mustard or Senning operation with severely impaired systemic ventricular function
4.Have heart failure / take regular medicines to improve heart function
5.Pulmonary hypertension or Eisenmenger syndrome
6.Di George syndrome if the immune system is affected
7.Pregnant and have congenital heart disease and have been advised by letter to shield
If you require more advice or support please contact the Specialist Nurses 0113 392 8154, leedsth-tr.achdnurse@nhs.net)