November 17th, 2020

Coronavirus Advice - Attending School
We understand that many of you are anxious about whether your child should attend school during the covid lockdown and that you may have received letters advising that your child should not attend school.
Our advice on attending school has not changed. It is rare for children to become unwell with coronavirus and most children with heart problems are not at greater risk. We would therefore encourage children to attend school for their mental well-being.
We have previously identified certain groups should take greater care (list as before). However we would still encourage them to attend school. We would advise that you discuss any concerns that you have with your child’s school to help you feel re-assured that all safety measures are in place.
If you would like to discuss this please contact the Cardiac Nurse Specialists on 0113 3925467 or email: ccns.lgi@nhs.net