September 27th, 2020

Flu Vaccine Advice
Flu Vaccine Advice
From 6 months of age children with complex cardiac conditions are eligible for the flu Vaccine once per year. This is also includes adults with Complex heart conditions. The way this is delivered depends on the child’s age and if there are any additional medical needs. Please see below for further details:
6 months old to 2 years – injection (jab)
2 years to 17 years old – Nasal Spray
18 years old and upwards – injection (jab)
This will be carried out at the GP from 6 months up until primary school age. All primary school children will have there flu vaccine in school and also in year 7 at secondary school. Children aged from 12-17 years with a complex cardiac condition will need to have the flu vaccine at the GP surgery.
In addition to this children who also have a severe immune disorder, egg allergy, severe asthma where steroid treatment is required or those on aspirin should have the flu injection instead of the nasal spray. The flu vaccine can still be given at the GP surgery instead of school if this is preferred.
If you need any further information, please speak to your GP, or
Children’s Cardiac Nurse Specialists on 0113 3925467
or the Adult’s Cardiac Nurse Specialists on 0113 3928154
Also, have a look at the NHS Choices Website for more information: