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  • When you are around 16 years old, you will be transferred to the adult congenital heart service. As you become an adult your healthcare and lifestyle needs will change and the adult service will be able to give you and your family the right care, treatment and support.

    Transition means getting you and your family ready for this change. We will start talking to you about this at your clinic appointments when you are 12 to 13 years old. There are probably lifestyle issues that you have not had to think about before such as careers, exercise, travel or contraception and you will be given information about these. You may want to learn more about your heart condition or have questions about your future and we can help with this.

    You will be able to start taking more responsibility for your own healthcare as you are ready and may want to see your consultant on your own for part of your clinic appointment.

    There is more information in our Lifestyle Advice and Support sections of the website.

    The Children and Adult Cardiac Nurse Specialists work closely together and will support you through this time. Please contact us if you would like anymore information.